Fall Dresses for September and Beyond

It’s that time of year again. The time for back-to-school shopping for grown ups. I write about it every year because I get asked about it every year. And because every year at this time, I find myself looking for a dress or two to wear for the upcoming Jewish Holidays.

While I specifically am looking for dresses for these upcoming holidays, most of my personal styling clients are not necessarily celebrating the Jewish holidays. Yet, they too, are on the search for a few new dresses for the season.

So it’s the perfect time to do a fall dress round-up for you all.

Fall Dresses Loft

What to look for in a fall dress:

  • Covered arms but lightweight fabric

  • Rich color

  • Texture

  • And then, of course, I apply the 3/3/3 rule

Let’s Start with Fall Dresses from Loft

This year I have been pleasantly surprised with the items, quality, and prices I’ve found at Loft. They typically have great promotions, so the price is reasonable. And the past few years, I’ve been a fan of their fit and fabrics as well. One person told me they stopped in and bought 6 pairs of jeans (that looks FAB, by the way) for the price of one pair of her regular, designer jeans.

Loft Fall Dresses I Love

Of course, my successful search at Loft got me thinking about the other fall dresses I could find. And my focus is on work, everyday and special, non-formal occasions (such as family gatherings, baby/bridal showers, theater, and fundraisers). If there is interest in a roundup for cocktail and dressier pieces lmk, in the comments, and we can work on that.

Midi Dresses for Fall

Personally, I love a midi dress, no matter the season. Midi’s are my spirit animal of dresses. Probably because I think they look elegant and because my knees are not my favorite body part.

Midi’s are also great if you like going bare legged and are unsure if it’s appropriate to wear for a certain occasion because… you guessed it; they cover your legs. 

Mini Dresses for Fall

If you do like your legs, and/or feel good in shorts, I’m happy for you and a little jealous, in a good way. Seriously, we all need to highlight the parts we love!! Mini’s look great in the fall and winter, especially with tights or boots. 

Sweater Dresses for Fall

The other dress style that screams fall and I’ve been seeing a lot of recently, is a sweater dress. They’re cozy and chic and quintessentially fall.

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Since the purpose of this blog is to take the stress out of getting dressed, we try to make it easy on you by sharing shoppable links (accessed by clicking the PINK words or the actual photo) with awesome readers like you. We want to let you know, some of those contain affiliate links for products. There is absolutely no additional cost to you if you take action (click, purchase, subscribe) with one of these links. As a result, we will earn some coffee money from your click. But we promise to drink it while creating more ad-free, helpful content like this.


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