Fashion Meets Function: Dresses with Pockets Done Right feat. ME+EM

Dresses with Pockets

Today, we're diving into a topic that blends the best of both worlds in women’s fashion: functionality and style. And when it comes to marrying these two seamlessly, ME+EM has absolutely knocked it out of the park with their ingeniously designed pockets in dresses and skirts. Thanks to ME+EM, who sponsored this post, I’ve got the inside scoop on why these aren't just any pockets — they’re award-winners (in my book)!

The Magic of Well-Designed Pockets

Let's talk pockets – yes, pockets! Those little additions in your garments that can make a big difference. I find with most of my personal styling clients, it’s a love/hate relationship. On the love side, pockets provide a place to strategically stash lipgloss or mint. And if you’re somewhat awkward, like me, pockets give you something to do with your hands (especially in social settings - if this is your struggle too, you know!!) However, pockets can add visual bulk to a girl's hips if they’re not placed and designed carefully. Again, if this is your struggle, you know!!

ME+EM has truly mastered the art of pocket design, creating pockets that are virtually invisible, blending flawlessly into their chic garments without adding that dreaded bulk around the hips and midsection. It’s like magic, really. One moment you’re admiring a sleek, beautifully cut dress or skirt, and the next, you discover it comes with a practical, subtly integrated pocket. Total game changer!

Design and Functionality

ME+EM’s pockets are what I like to call "ninja pockets." They're covert, they're sleek, and you wouldn’t know they’re there until you need them. And when you do, they're surprisingly deep—perfect for stashing your phone, a lipstick, or even a slim wallet.

This clever design allows you to keep your essentials close without needing a handbag for every outing. It is especially perfect for those who love to dance the night away at weddings or enjoy hands-free convenience at cocktail events.

The Importance of Pockets in Women's Fashion

Pockets might seem like a small detail, but for many of us, they represent so much more: the intersection of style and practicality. It’s about time our fashion choices reflect both our aesthetic and functional needs! ME+EM is leading the way, showing that women’s fashion can be both beautiful and practical.

Shop ME+EM

One of the other reasons I’m a proud member of the Me+EM fan club is their business model. The brand drops new collections each month, so the offerings are new and fresh, yet also made in limited quantities. So you do not see yourself coming and going AND it’s good for the environment too. The chef's kiss is that styles and silhouettes that sell well are often re-created in different colors or fabrics in future drops - the beauty of this is that if you find something that fits well, a new iteration of it is likely to come back.

In fact, one of my favorite skirts styles from fall, came back as the brown skirt above that I will be wearing all summer long!

If you've ever hesitated to buy that chic dress because it lacked pockets, or if you've ever felt the inconvenience of pocket-less women's wear, you’re not alone. The good news? Designers are listening, and we're beginning to see more thoughtful designs that cater to both our style and practical needs.

Let's celebrate the fusion of style and practicality in our wardrobes! If you're curious about finding pieces that hit the mark, ME+EM is a great place to start exploring options that beautifully incorporate this feature.

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