The Wardrobe Consultant | Hallie Abrams

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What to Wear to: Homecoming Dresses under $100

Homecoming Dresses

School has started (Thank G-d). And if you have a high schooler, specifically a high school girl, she’s got ONE thing on her mind… where they’re going to find their homecoming dresses. I know this is true because my daughter has been talking about it ad nauseam, as have her friends, as have clients and readers who have been reaching out looking for suggestions about where to find their homecoming dresses.  I gotta be real here though, I am struggling with finding a homecoming dress for my daughter. Ironic right? Like this is my job! But when it comes to family it can get complicated.  In past years, honestly, I’ve been a little judgy looking at girls homecoming and prom photos. When I see them half naked, posing in all their glory, I’ve thought to myself (and heard from others) how could their parents let them go out of the house like that?!? But this year, with a daughter in high school, it’s my turn to eat crow. Because what she likes and sees as good looking, and what I like are not totally the same! Let’s just say karma’s a bitch baby.

They’re Basically Naked

I have a  non-psychological, psychological analysis as it relates to homecoming dresses… See, teenage girls are coming to terms with their new bodies (ya know, boobs, bootys and such). And the reality is, a woman’s sexuality is a powerful tool. Young women are trying to figure out (sometimes with trial and error) how to properly harness and express that power.  But as parents, we are scared sh*tless that we are going to contribute to our daughter’s body image issues. How many of us are still “fixing” our own body images as adults? So we bite our tongues, smile and die a little inside when we see what they want to wear, which is, ummmm, pretty much nothing at all.

But WHY?

But, WHY do they want to wear nothing? IMHO, it’s because the Kardashians have basically thrown up all over our kids’ screens and in turn, our kids think that is how a woman is supposed to dress when she goes out (Ughhh, I could go on for hours about this but I won’t here and now). But, and this is a BIG but, we also don’t want our kids to be the total outcast and dressed like Molly Ringwald in 16 Candles or Pretty in Pink. As cool as we thought those outfits were when we were in High School, they ain’t gonna cut it as cool homecoming dresses go these days.

So the question is, WHAT ARE WE TO DO?

The approach I’m taking, and I’m sure there are going to be those of you that disagree, is two-fold.

  1. Don’t spend a lot of money on their Homecoming dresses

  2. Find something she likes and feels good in with SOME limitations – meaning we compromise.

What compromise looks like…

She’d like to wear this:

And, I’d like her to wear this:

The hope is that my dilemma will help you all out. I’ve been surfing the web to find Homecoming dresses that are cheap but don’t look cheap and at the same time are only slightly slutty. Meaning I’m compromising, and so is she.

Homecoming Dresses Under $100

Please take note, the models are like 5’9″, so these dresses on most girls will not be quite as short.

See this content in the original post

Homecoming dresses in the under $200 range

I found a few homecoming dresses that were a little more sophisticated and a little more expensive – but totally worth mentioning.

See this content in the original post

And the Shoes…

Let’s not forget about shoes – again all under $100 and will look good with most of these dresses.

See this content in the original post

BTW, I totally have my daughters blessing and approval to share this post. After she read it she even said it was good – woot, woot for me!! And if you’re struggling (or have struggled) with this too, let me know how you handled it.