How to Make Gift Giving Really Easy This Year.

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Make Adult Gift Giving Easy.

Gift giving to kids is usually pretty easy because when you ask them what they want, they aren’t shy about telling you.  Wham bam’ thank you ma’am, (or mom). On the flip side, it’s not so easy to gift other adults. (And I’m not talking about the mail carrier, here.) Like 99.5 % of the time, other adults won’t tell what they want. Which makes no sense, because everyone secretly wants a little something, and if they say they don’t they are probably lying.

Even if you have the kind of relationship where you can bear it all on the table, most likely the adults in your life aren’t telling you what they want.  As grown-ups, it can feel slightly awkward or uncomfortable. I often help the spouses of our clients (and each other’s spouses) when gifting on special occasions. So, if you don’t have team TWC on your side to help you get or gift this year, I’m sharing the rules I use to make gift giving easy.

Simple rules for giving the best gifts to other adults.

  1. Switch your mindset. Put yourself in their shoes and think…what would THEY want? What are THEY into? Forget the age-old question, “what should I get them?”. Make it personal. The more personal it is, the more thoughtful it is. Ask yourself what this person is into. Let’s say she’s a runner…don’t get her a box of chocolate. That won’t go over well. Or, let’s say he’s into CNBC over ESPN, a money clip would be a much better gift than a gift to the local sporting goods store. So we’ve picked gifts for all your different peeps – the techy, the foodie, the guy, the fashionista…

  2. Don’t wait until the last minute. Get ahead start. If you wait until the last minute you might not have enough time to see the gift through. Maybe it requires monogramming which takes time, or maybe it still needs to be shipped. It doesn’t mean Christmas or Hanukkah shopping in July, this just means don’t put it off until right before the gift needs to be delivered. Yes, we know Hanukkah started Sunday, but there’s still some time left!!! And Christmas, well, that date never changes…

  3. You do not need to spend a lot of money. It doesn’t matter how much you spend as long as it’s a well thought out gift. The best holiday gifts are the ones that have the most thought behind them. We’ve broken the gifts into price ranges because you might want to spend more on your sister than your secret Santa…

  4. When in doubt give the best gift you’ve ever received. No, we don’t mean re-gift. We mean to give a gift that you’ve received that meant something to you and tell the person about it and why you love it so much. It’ll be special. Hallie just did that with a dear friends daughter that got engaged. She remembered what the friend had given Hallie and Greg on their engagement 23 years ago and was able to find something similar and send a note explaining why the gift was so sentimental. Just sayin’ they loved it – yay!!

Gifts to Give.

I’ve spent a lot of time surfing the net, asking friends and looking at other gift guides to give you our best reccos. And I’ve gone in depth to give you the reasons BEHIND what I picked as gift options. And WHAT is special about each pick. It might be kind of wordy for those of you that just like to skim the pictures. But if you’re really shopping, I’ve found some really good sh*t if I do say so myself!

Gifts Under $100

$100-$250 Gifts

$250 – $500 Gifts

The BIG gifts – $500 +

Happy holidays you guys! Happy gift giving and getting. And if there are any favorite gifts you’ve received let us know!!

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