Mother’s Day Gift Guide – Actually, Just Great Gifts for HER for Any Occasion!

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Mother’s Day Gifts

Ladies can be super hard to buy gifts for. And Mother’s Day gifts, in particular, can be challenging. Yes, we say we are happy with a handmade card or breakfast in bed. And we are. But, trust me, the effort of actually getting a Mother’s Day gift, especially at this time in history, when we are all cooped up, can make all the difference to her.

And if there are any guys reading this, ORDER SOMETHING NOW! The Mother’s Day gifts your kids usually make in school and bring home are NOT happening this year – just FYI. And Mother’s Day is May 10, again, just FYI.

As women, we put our families first. And right now there is either a lot of cooking and cleaning happening (omg, in my house there is SO MUCH LAUNDRY!!). Or things are sort of lonely when you can’t see your loved ones because of quarantine. Neither is ideal, but it’s our collective reality.

Any way you slice it, we ladies need props. This is the time to cheer up the lady or ladies in your life. Mother’s Day, birthdays, just because I love you days. With health worries, and family worries, and money and job worries – you can spend a little or a lot and she’ll love it either way. Here are some Mother’s Day gift ideas at all different price points I’m confident she’s gonna love.

Under $100 Gifts

$100-$500 Gifts

By my calculations, you have just under 2 weeks to order your Mother’s Day gifts. It’s May 10, so there is still time to order and have it delivered to brighten her day!

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